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Consultant, Farmer

Hi I'm Rob,

I am a 20 plus year veteran of the food industry turned regenerative farmer consultant. I currently manage 3 businesses including our 6 acre homestead and our 20 acre regenerative farm in development. My food industry experience includes all aspects related to consumer packaged goods such as-product development, manufacturing, distribution, sales and marketing.


My main passions are the production of excellent home grown food that is both clean and nutrient dense, and in helping others to achieve a personalized independent lifestyle. I have been a Permaculture designer and consultant since 2013. I earned my Permaculture certification through industry icon Geoff Lawton. You'll find that I truly practice what I preach. Based on my "hands on" experience I can passionately help you learn how to improve your life through the sessions I offer as well as custom consultation tailored to fit your needs. I consider myself a lifelong student, always gaining knowledge through growth. I view my consultations as a learning experience for myself as well for my clients, and consider it a true collaborative partnership.


Many designers and consultants will evaluate your project and then give you a design. I strive to teach you the "how" and "why". I'll coach you through the process so you take ownership of your project and become empowered with the tools you will need  to design and build your independent, abundant and successful future.

A little about me...

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